Hãy nói với em - How to understand the song


If you cannot understand the meaning of the song, check the translation out below.
Nếu bạn không thể hiểu nội dung của bài hát, tìm hiểu nội dung thông qua bản dịch bên dưới.

Hãy nói với em
Composer: Nguyễn Hồng Thuận

Tell me!
Composer: Nguyễn Hồng Thuận

You brought me peace;
You brought me happiness,
Warmness with you, joyful moments.

You brought me trust,
You brought me a life
with winds singing to me each (late) afternoon.

But now I am sitting here
with very cold hands.
With falling tears – Am I dreaming?

I am holding my hands together
but how lonely I am,
I have lost you, I really have lost you.

I am crying then laughing with tears on lips
I miss you much, I miss you much.
Answer me, smile to me, say a word to me.

Don’t make me cry, don’t make me cry
('cause) so many hardships have come to my life.
Then I am getting up, and you have gone.
How can I live, how can I live
Please tell me.

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