Men’s bizarre acts when drunk

Usually Duoc, being drunk, wanders around the neighborhood, then stays at a dark corner to sleep. Sometimes he sends sweet messages to several people in his phonebook.

After he ever wakes up, he often finds himself at an unexpected place somehow, at the kitchen or at the bamboos or at the bananas in the garden. “The strange thing is that I can not remember how I made my way there" said a 37-year-old man in Dong Nai, Vietnam who confessed that he was embarrassed to know about his strange actions from his neighbors. He is not really aware of his actions when he was that drunk.
Hue, Duoc’s wife, regularly witnesses her husband, being drunk, walks around the neighborhood. If he makes his way home, he pees anywhere including the toaster, washing machines or even wardrobe.

She sighed, “I have been embarrassed and ashamed about her husband's behaviors. Sometimes he takes the phone to send so sweet messages to lots of people, including men that they call to express the frustrated feelings.”

Miss Thuan cried so much for the bad behaviors of her alcoholic husbands that she used to want a divorce from her husband. Due to her children and the fact that he begged so much, she stopped. On the first day of the Tet holiday, her husband drank at a close friend’s home. He was so drunk that he took a hammer to smash lots of furniture from rice cooker, fridge to television and washing machine.

“Usually, he is very nice and love wife and children; but it’s different whenever he is drunk. Then he is not himself. Whenever he is drunk, he finds interested to listen to smash sounds so much that he break things. When I prevent, I was scolded badly,” shared the 33 year-old wife.
In a talk to a psychologist in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, Kim Thu said that her husband never beats wife and children; but after drinking he has strange habit. It is usually that he becomes shy, gentle and like being cuddled as a girl.

He sometimes gets sensitive enough to burst out crying if someone seems to dislike him. At first, his wife found it was so ridiculous and funny. After several times, it turns out worrying.

“My husband himself doesn’t believe it when I tell him about that. He felt astounded when watching the video that I had recorded. He is also worried that his friends and others witness his uncontrollable situation,” said the wife, asking for help from psychologist.
Also in this talk, a man said, “I often shout and moan when drunk. When I wake up, I find myself under the bed but don’t know how and why.”
Working in a mental hospital in Dong Nai, Vietnam, Dr. Thanh Tung meets many cases the wife sends her husband to check for these strange symptoms of getting drunk such as talking to oneself in the mirror, becoming sensitive then cry, smashing furniture for special interest in listening to breaking sounds…

The doctor had an experience once when a man about 40 years old came to see him at the hospital to check for the reason why he usually pees at the closet when being drunk. He said when he is home drunk, he feel need to urinate. It is obvious that he has opened the door of the restroom and then do it in the room, but it turns out the closet. As a result, half of the cloths in it get wet.

Another case is that a wife complained that when her husband gets drunk he smashes furniture then creeps and hides under bed sleeping. If someone asks him out, he cries out as a chair who is being scolded. The doctor explained when a person drinks so much alcohol, the substance affects nerve center, causing brain to adjust thinking and behaviors in difficulties. The abnormal behavior may stem from anxiety, daily stress, or it may be due to the trauma and negative fluctuations in mental life.

The doctor added that sometimes, hormonal disorders may also cause strange and unusual behaviors. However, cases not derived from previous clinical records, they should be studied and treated properly.

As well, according to the doctor, strange symptoms usually occur when someone drinks too much alcohol and/or has drunken habits. Once awaking, most of them cannot remember his actions. Some researchers explain the cause may be due to lack of vitamin B1 or prolonged influence of alcohol. More seriously, alcohol also affects critical areas of brain, causing the operating functions paralyzed and degenerated, leading to amnesia or dementia.
“The best way to prevent and control behaviors is drinking alcohol in moderation. Being so interested that it is unable to control behaviors and leads to negative consequences is not recommended, ” said the doctor.

Kim Thanh

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